🛡 Teams
How can I join a team?
In Toon Blast, you have to beat level 20 to be able to join or create a team. Once you are level 20, you can easily join a team by using th...
How can I create my own team?
To create a team, first you have to leave your current team.You can easily leave your team by following the steps below:Go to the Team secti...
How can I invite friends to my team?
You can tell your friends the name of your team, and they can use the “Team” tab to Search for your team’s name and join it! If you are Face...
How can I remove a teammate?
You can remove players if you are the leader of a Team in Toon Blast!Here are the steps below that you can follow:Tap on the "Team" buttonTa...
I created a team, but no players have joined, what should I do?
Don’t worry, new teams may take longer to get new teammates since players are looking for active teams. In the meantime, you can tell your f...
How can I leave a team?
You can easily leave your team by following the steps below:Go to the “Team” tabTap on “My Team”Tap on “Info”, and then you will see the “Le...
I don't want to join a team, what should I do?
We recommend that you try joining or creating a team! You'll be able to chat in the game and send & receive lives! You'll also get to me...
I lost my leadership position
When you leave the team as a leader, the leadership position will be given to another player on the team randomly. If you rejoin the sa...
I was kicked/rejected from a team, how can I join the same team again?
When a player is kicked off from a team or rejected from joining a team, that player cannot rejoin the same team.
Why was I kicked from my team?
Team leaders can kick players from their team as they wish, so there can be many reasons as to why they chose to do so. It is also possible ...
I left my team accidentally, how do I join again?
You will need to search for the team name in the Team menu, and then select to join the same team if there are any open positions.
How can I send lives?
You can tap the "Help" button to send a free life to a teammate when they request lives in the Team Chat. You even get 1 free coin for helpi...
What are “Helps”?
"Help" means helping a teammate accumulate free lives. You can help every player once for every life request. When a player gets the 5 lives...
Why did my helps disappear/reset to 0?
Every Sunday night, the weekly helps are reset for all players on the team!This allows the team leader to know who the most active players a...
How can I change my team name or badge?
Unfortunately, once a team has been created it is not possible to edit the team name or badge.
Why is my team not appearing on the leaderboard?
The team score is based on the levels and stages that players on a team have completed. Only the Top-1000 Teams with the highest scores in T...
How is the Team score calculated?
The team score is the total amount of levels and stages in the Champion’s League that players on a team have completed! The more levels and ...
My leader is inactive, how can I remove them or change the leader?
After 21 days of inactivity, the team leader will lose their leadership position. If a co-leader exists on the team, they will become the te...
What is an open/closed team?
An open team means that players can join the team any time, as long as they meet the level requirements! In a closed team, the team leader m...
I didn’t receive all 5 lives from my teammates.
When you request lives in the team, 5 different teammates will be able to tap the help button to send you a free life! Lives are added to yo...
How do I report an offensive player?
Offensive and vulgar language has no place in Toon Blast! If someone wrote offensive comments on your Team chat, tap on the player's message...
How can I delete chat messages?
Team leaders and co-leaders can delete all chat messages in the Team Info section under the My Team tab.
How can I change my name?
You can change your name for once through the Settings menu in Toon Blast.Tap the top right Settings Menu button (it looks like a gear!)Tap ...
How can I create a name?
Once you reach level 20, you will be able to join a team through the Team menu and create a nickname. After tapping on the join button to jo...
How do I enable/disable the team chat?
You can turn off the team chat in the Settings menu if you do not wish to view the messages in the team chat or communicate with your teamma...
How can I send coins to another player?
While it is not possible to send coins from your coin balance to another player or teammate, they can receive 1 free coin for helping you wh...
My lives aren't synced when I change devices
The lives that you collect are only synced to the device that you are playing on when they are collected! So when you switch devices and lo...
How can I choose/remove a co-leader?
If you are a leader of a team, you can select one other player on your team to be the co-leader!To select a co-leader:Tap on the Team menu b...
How do I block a player?
Players can be blocked and unblocked using the "My Team" tab in the Team menu. Once a player is blocked, you will no longer see their messag...
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